What makes an organization stand out of a pack? The key differentiator is "Thought Leadership". Contrary to popular belief that Thought Leadership can only emanate only from the top executives of an organization, many organization such as Google, Apple, Facebook, Youtube, etc have been able to create an environment which is conducive for Thought Leadership to emanate from any part of their organization.
Is this the secret to their success? Is it obvious or oblivious? Why aren't other companies following in their footsteps in creating a similar environment & culture which will foster Thought Leadership? There are many factors contributing to it and key reason for this is that we have organization who have got themselves entrenched into hierarchical structures, traditional practices, protocols/procedures sealed with red-tapes, bureaucracy coupled with tunnel-vision, etc which inhibit the organizations benefiting from a free-flow of ideas. Thoughts lead to Ideas, Ideas lead to Change, Change leads to to Organization Development and so on.
Its apparent that we need to create an environment where people are able to challenges the status-quo, immaterial of ranks & profiles, based on rationale thought process to help the organization create ideas that will help the businesses take on the next point of inflexion or the quantum leap. We need to change how we lead since the future of our organization depends on how successful we are in creating "Thought Leadership" at every level of the organization.
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